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Sizing A Solar System

Replacing all of your electric needs can be pretty expensive. Now, just replacing power for a few critical items and maybe a luxury or two is not overly expensive. The national US electric usage is 29kWH a day. I will put a PDF on the downloadable page the shows average usage per state. I live in Texas and the average daily use is 37kWH a day, but with the extremely hot long summer this year, my house hold average is 52kWH a day. If you are just wanting solar without back up power options, it is not that bad in price. This was the option I took and made my own battery backup system. The problem with this is it will only be able to handle about 24 hours with the grid out before my batteries die. This is because is the grid is down for safety reasons your solar system gets disconnected from the grid. I do have a charge controller to hook the panels straight to the batteries but I will not connect it unless I know it will be a prolonged blackout.

Ok, a few things you need to know. Find out the average sunlight hours for your area. Here is a decent site for average sunlight, ( For my area it is about 5 hours of light a day. the range is 7 hours in JUL as the high and 2.9 hours in DEC as the low.

Next, go out and get a Kill-a-watt meter. This is a device that get pugs into an outlet and then you plug what ever into it that you want to measure. ( That is what you are looking for. It will measure watts and kWh. You will want to measure both. You need to know the instantaneous load (watts) and total consumption (kWh). Watts will determine the size of the inverter you need and kWh will determine the amount of power you will need to generate. For instants an average refrigerator will use about 2kWh a day. If all you want to do is power a fridge, 400 watt panel at 5 hours of sunlight and you are golden, right, kind of. You should size your system to 1.5x the max usage you think you will use. This covers for winter and overcast days. After you have your list of items you want to power and you have the watts and kWh, all that is left to do is all the math. Add all the watts together and all the kWh together. the watts will determine the inverter. Keep in mind if this number is huge not all items will be running at the same time. For kWh divide by the average numbers of daylight, for example 3kWh and 5 hours of sunlight, (3000/5=600 watts) so 6x100 watt panels would produce enough electricity for your needs.

For most households a 12kWh system will replace almost all of your daily use. Practical Preppers has a DIY 12kWh system. ( It is a little or a lot expensive at $28,200 but it comes with everything you need including mount, batteries, and wiring. It is everything you need to harvest, store and use power from the sun. They also had an add on for EMP protection. They are have portable systems and just individual items to build your own system.

Batteries. For sizing your battery bank you will take the volts of the batteries and multiply that by the amp hours of the batteries and then multiply that by about 85% to account for any inefficiencies. Sticking with Practical Preppers DIY system, there is 3 48v 100Ah batteries. Now 48 volts is more efficient than 12 volts but they do cost more. So, 48v x 100Ah = 4800 watt hours. You get 3 batteries, so, you get 14,400 watt hours. Multiply that by 85%, you are looking at 12,240 watt hours or 12.2kWh.

The reason I did not go with this system for my property is because the electric company in my area would charge me a flat $235 a month for having an off grid system. Practical Preppers offers support from consulting and helping design your system through finishing your install. The only thing they do not do is install it for you. If you us the link above, I will receive a commission but that is it. I have been researching solar systems for a while both on grid and off grid. They offer one of the best complete off grid systems on the market. Just remember when looking at the 12kWh system at the high price of $28,200, this could replace an average homes entire electric needs. They have a 400w 12v system for RV for $774.99. With this system you can mount it at you home and use it to charge up some 12v batteries and run your hand full of items like that.

Again power production is usually lower on a prepper's list because of the price. But it is something you should consider for long term survival.

Never Retreat, Never Surrender

Stay Survived, Stay Alive


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New Project

Cleaning out the shed the other day and noticed that the floor boards are rotten. Now I get to decide if I am going to fix the floor properly or just do a quick fix to get us through winter. I will put updates up when we tackle this project. Wish me luck. Stay Safe.

Body Armor

With how crazy things already are and they seem to be getting worse, you really should think about getting body armor. You should also be stocking up on guns and ammo. You need to be ready for law and order to be completely shut off or a foreign army to invade. Do what is best for you but please make sure you are willing and able to survive what is coming. Be Smart, Be Prepared, Stay Safe.

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Direct Energy Weapons

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Preparedness- Water

It is recommended that you have 1 gallon of water per person per day. FEMA suggest that everyone has at least 3 days on hand. So, for example with my family of 5 that is a minimum of 15 gallons. Once you know how many people you are prepping for, you just figure out how many days of water you want to have on hand and multiply to get the number of gallons you need. That is the simple part of water. Now just fill some jugs and there you go.

Ok, there is a little more than that you need to think about like what the uses for the water are, how you want to store it, where are you going to store it, how are you going to filter/ treat it, how are you going to collect it in the end.

Start of super easy on this one. Uses should be drinking, cooking, cleaning. That is about it.

For drinking water, I start off with cases of bottled water. I buy the 40 packs of the 16.9fl oz bottles, that comes out to about 5.28 gallons. Have 5 on hand gives each one in my house 5 days of water. I will mention here that FEMA ...

I Hope Everyone Is Preparing.

With the planned Truckers For Trump and shipping companies deciding to join the New York boycott, everyone should be making sure that they have items on hand if trucks stop rolling. You should have enough food and water on hand to last a minimum of 3 days according to FEMA. You should have at least 7 days' worth, but 30 days' worth of food and water would be better. On top of food and water you are going to need a way to defend your supplies. If New York goes through a sustained period of time of either receiving no or limited shipments coming in, there will be devastating repercussions on an apocalyptic scale. Prices for everything will skyrocket. Everyone just needs to be prepared for what is coming. The government is trying to destroy the country and you are going to be on your own. Just start preparing for the worse and hopping for the best.
Be Smart, Be Prepared, Stay Safe.

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What is going on in the US Navy?

Over the last year there have been at least 8 destroyer commanders fired or relieved of duty for lack of confidence. On February 10th it was reported that Destroyer Squadron 2 commodore was relieved of duty. Captain Harkin was commodore for less than a year. "Loss of confidence" is the standard statement given for the reasoning for any CO firing but there seems to be something else going on.

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Advanced Practical Preparation

Advanced Practical Preparation

Evacuation Plans

  1. Know Your Routes: Identify multiple evacuation routes from your home and community. Plan for different scenarios (e.g., natural disaster, civil unrest).
  2. Bug-Out Bag: Prepare a bug-out bag for each family member. This should include essential items such as food, water, clothing, medical supplies, and important documents.

Sustainable Living

  1. Off-Grid Capabilities: Learn how to live off the grid. This includes generating your own power (solar, wind), managing waste, and sourcing water.
  2. Home Defense: Fortify your home to protect against potential threats. This could involve installing security systems, reinforced doors, and creating safe rooms.

Advanced Communication

  1. Ham Radio: Obtain a ham radio license and equipment to maintain communication when traditional systems fail.
  2. Signal Techniques: Learn and practice using signaling methods such as mirrors, flares, and smoke signals.

Psychological Preparation

  1. Mental Health: Prioritize mental health by establishing coping mechanisms and support systems. Consider counseling or therapy if needed.
  2. Family Drills: Conduct regular family drills to practice your emergency plans. This helps to ensure everyone knows what to do and can act quickly.

Community Involvement

  1. Local Groups: Join local preparedness groups or community watch programs. Sharing resources and information can enhance your collective security.
  2. Volunteer: Volunteering with local emergency services can provide valuable skills and a network of contacts.

Technology and Information

  1. Digital Copies: Keep digital copies of important documents on a secure, password-protected device.
  2. Information Security: Protect your digital information with strong passwords and encryption. Be aware of potential cyber threats.

Environmental and Geographic Considerations

  1. Geographic Knowledge: Understand the geography of your area, including natural resources, potential hazards, and escape routes.
  2. Weather Preparedness: Stay informed about weather patterns and have plans for different weather-related emergencies (e.g., extreme heat, cold, storms).

Financial Security

  1. Diversified Assets: Consider diversifying your assets beyond cash, such as precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and tangible goods.
  2. Debt Management: Minimize debt and have a financial plan that accounts for economic instability.

Skill Building

  1. Advanced First Aid: Take advanced first aid courses, including CPR and trauma care.
  2. Technical Skills: Learn technical skills such as basic mechanics, electronics repair, and carpentry.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  1. Legal Knowledge: Be aware of martial law implications and your rights during a state of emergency.
  2. Ethical Preparedness: Think through ethical dilemmas you might face and have a plan for maintaining your values and principles.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Regular Updates: Regularly review and update your preparedness plans, supplies, and knowledge.
  2. Feedback Loops: After drills and real incidents, assess what worked well and what didn’t, and adjust your plans accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Preparation for a potential World War III scenario requires a holistic approach that includes ongoing education, adaptability, and community involvement. While it’s impossible to predict every situation, being proactive and thorough in your preparations can significantly increase your chances of survival and resilience in the face of crisis.

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Preparing to survive WWIII

Preparing to survive a potential World War III scenario involves a combination of mental, physical, and practical strategies. Here are some comprehensive steps you can take to be better prepared:

Mental Preparation

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with current events and understand the geopolitical climate.

  2. Develop a Plan: Create a detailed survival plan that includes evacuation routes, communication plans, and safe locations.

  3. Stay Calm: Practice stress management techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises to stay calm during crises.

Physical Preparation

  1. Get Fit: Regular exercise to maintain physical fitness. Being physically fit can increase your chances of survival.

  2. Learn Self-Defense: Take self-defense classes to protect yourself if needed.

  3. Health Check: Ensure you have a current health check-up and address any medical issues.

Practical Preparation

Food and Water

  1. Stockpile Supplies: Store non-perishable food items that can last for an extended period. Consider canned goods, rice, pasta, and freeze-dried foods.

  2. Water Supply: Store plenty of water or have a reliable method to purify water, such as water purification tablets or a filtration system.

Shelter and Safety

  1. Secure Shelter: Identify a safe place in your home or another location that can provide adequate protection. This could be a basement, storm shelter, or other fortified area.

  2. Backup Power: Consider having a generator or solar-powered battery packs to keep essential devices charged.

Medical Supplies

  1. First Aid Kit: Have a comprehensive first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

  2. Medical Knowledge: Learn basic first aid and emergency medical procedures.


  1. Radio: Have a battery-operated or hand-crank radio to receive news and emergency broadcasts.

  2. Backup Communications: Consider having a satellite phone or walkie-talkies to communicate if traditional phone lines and cell towers are down.

Skills and Knowledge

  1. Survival Skills: Learn essential survival skills such as building a fire, finding food, and purifying water.

  2. Gardening: Knowing how to grow your own food can be invaluable in long-term survival situations.

Financial Preparation

  1. Cash Reserve: Keep a supply of cash in small denominations since ATMs and banks may not be operational.

  2. Valuable Items: Consider having items for bartering, such as alcohol, tobacco, and other goods that might be in high demand.

Community and Networking

  1. Build a Network: Form or join a community of like-minded individuals who can support each other in times of crisis.

  2. Family Plan: Ensure every family member knows the survival plan and their role in it.

Legal and Documentation

  1. Important Documents: Keep copies of essential documents like identification, property deeds, medical records, and insurance policies in a waterproof and fireproof container.

  2. Legal Knowledge: Understand local laws and regulations that may come into effect during wartime.

Continual Learning and Adaptation

  1. Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your plans as situations change.

  2. Ongoing Education: Continuously learn and update your knowledge about survival techniques and current events.


Being prepared for a potential World War III involves a multifaceted approach that includes mental readiness, physical fitness, practical supplies, and a solid plan. Stay informed, build a support network, and continuously adapt your strategies to improve your chances of survival.


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