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Know Your Area For When There Is A SHTF Event

There are several different types of a SHTF event. They can range from a serve storm to a grid down, total break down of law and order. Depending on what kind of disaster that has struck will determine the level of things you are looking for and the level you will take to get it. I would never recommend breaking the law but if they is no law left just survival you might need to take actions you might not normally take. For this post we will focus on the events where there is no longer law and order.

As you drive through your community/town take note of what kind of stores and restaurants are in your immediate area. There are location that might come in handy to get the last bit of supplies that could see you through the long term. For example, in my town, there is two grocery stores, two hardware stores, a tractor supply, a handful of mechanic shops and two dozen or more restaurants. There are other odds and ends shops as well.

Most people are going to hit the grocery stores first. this makes sense because people will be focused on food and water. Remember most houses only have about three days of food on hand. Again in my town there is about 11,000 people but these two grocery stores are two of three in the county of around 40,000 people. If you are lucky and able to hit a grocery store before the mass run on them, than do it.

Restaurants will have food and cooking items and storage containers. All of this could be helpful in a SHTF event. Focus on restaurants that do more scratch cooking over a fast-food restaurant. The more raw items you can find the longer they will last. Items like flour, rice, sugar, yeast, beans, canned fruits and veggies, anything dried or canned that are shelf stable are what you are looking for. Other items to check for are things like storage containers with sealable lids, pressure cookers, double boilers, solid and perforated pans to use as a steamer, knives, utensils, filters, and anything else you think would be helpful.

Tractor Supply and the hardware stores would be my first stop. Tractor Supply has air riffles and pellets as well as seeds, feed for livestock and deer, fertilizer and plant food, tools, storage containers, fencing items, knives, hardware, some plumbing items, batteries, trailer tires and the list goes on. Hardware stores will have plumbing items, electrical items, building materials, tools, and so on. Think of items that you can use to rebuild or harden your shelter. Make solar water heater, it will be nice to take a warm shower. In an event of an EMP your vehicle if older than 1979 might not be operational. If this is the case you will need a plan to get what you need back to your shelter.

You should also know the layout of your neighborhood and surrounding area. Google Earth does not update that often but it will give you a general idea of what your neighbors have on their property and who you should watch out or befriend. If you are planning on bugging out Google Earth will also give you an idea of areas to avoid. Knowing the population of the areas you will be traveling will also be helpful information. In the county I live in there are around 40,000 people spread out over 808 square miles. Meaning there is about 50 people per square mile. You should also know where the closest creek, river, and lakes are to your location and how populated the area is between your location and the water source you are heading too.

Another tip is get to know your neighbors. The four neighbors closest to my property are all pretty cool. Three of them are couples with two decades on my ago and the fourth is six years older than me. In this group of five houses, if push came to shove, we can banned together and survive just about anything. The skill sets of the people in the house all complement each other. Skills from gunsmithing to gardening, horsemanship to welding, you name it one of us has at least a base knowledge of how to do it. Now I will not turn to any of them unless I know there will be an invasion of our properties and we will need all the man power available. With that said, I do know what everyone around me has to offer skill-wise. I also know that down the road we have elderly couple that if it is an EMP type event, I will be asking them for some of there knowledge. If you have elderly neighbors not dependent on medications to survive and are from a farm post world war, chances are they know how to garden and survive without electricity. My grandmother was a WWII vet and still canned everything and made her own clothing because that what they did during the great depression and she kept doing it. Skills will be as important as items if not more important in some cases. Learn everything you can and test what you learn before your survival depends on it.

Now, make a plan on the stores or restaurants you planning on trying to get things from. Make a list of most important items to least important. Figure out what places would have the majority of the items you will need and start there. For me it will be the hardware stores and Tractor Supply. I figure in a dark lawless after math of an EMP or nuke most people will hit the grocery stores. I figure I can get the extra items I need to expand my garden into a three acre farm. Know the distance you will have to travel and how you will transport the items if your vehicle is killed by an EMP. If it is an EMP you do not need to travel heavily armed the first day or two, most people will think it is some kind of weird blackout at first. Concentrate on rapid fast immediately after an EMP and up to 36 hours after the event. After that most people will start to realize how bad it truly is. Now if it is just a natural disaster, DO NOT loot stores. There will still be law and order. This is only for the worst of the worst events. If you break the law and law enforcement is still functional you do so at your own risk. Again This is advice for the absolute collapse of everything. Stay Safe, Be Smart and do not do anything stupid.

Lastly take you plans and maps and any other intel and store it some place safe. You should have this with your bug in plan, your bug out plan, list of items you have on hand, list of food and amounts of water. I would not put physical locations on these list of items, use code that only you and your family and/or group will know, but have all of this information so you can check it and know what you have and what you still need or want. You should be checking over your items at least once a month. The more you prep now the less likely you will have to try and hit a store after SHTF. Good Luck.

Be Prepared, Be Smart, Stay Safe

Never Retreat, Never Surrender

Stay Survived, Stay Alive


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New Project

Cleaning out the shed the other day and noticed that the floor boards are rotten. Now I get to decide if I am going to fix the floor properly or just do a quick fix to get us through winter. I will put updates up when we tackle this project. Wish me luck. Stay Safe.

Body Armor

With how crazy things already are and they seem to be getting worse, you really should think about getting body armor. You should also be stocking up on guns and ammo. You need to be ready for law and order to be completely shut off or a foreign army to invade. Do what is best for you but please make sure you are willing and able to survive what is coming. Be Smart, Be Prepared, Stay Safe.

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Surviving an All-Out Civil War: A Practical Guide to Safety and Resilience

Civil war is the worst-case scenario for any country, tearing apart the social fabric, disrupting daily life, and putting citizens in unimaginable danger. As the conflict turns neighbor against neighbor, those caught in the crossfire must adapt quickly to survive. This guide aims to provide practical steps for enduring such a devastating situation, focusing on preparedness, safety, and resilience.

1. Prioritize Physical Safety

In an all-out civil war, staying physically safe is your primary concern. Civil wars are chaotic, with shifting front lines, militias, and sudden outbursts of violence. Consider these strategies:

a. Avoid Hot Zones
Identify the areas most likely to experience conflict, such as government buildings, military bases, and urban centers where protests or clashes are frequent. It’s crucial to avoid these hotspots, especially as tensions escalate.

b. Know Your Escape Routes
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Preparing for an Economic Collapse: A Practical Guide

In recent years, discussions about economic instability have become increasingly common. While it’s impossible to predict the future with certainty, being prepared for an economic collapse can provide peace of mind and security for you and your family. Here’s a practical guide on how to prepare for such a scenario.

Understanding the Risks

Before you can effectively prepare, it’s crucial to understand the potential causes of an economic collapse. Factors can include:

  • Financial Crises: Such as stock market crashes or banking system failures.
  • Natural Disasters: Hurricanes, earthquakes, or pandemics that disrupt supply chains.
  • Geopolitical Events: Wars or trade disputes that affect global markets.
  • Debt Levels: Unsustainable national or personal debt can lead to severe economic downturns.

Understanding these risks will help you identify the most effective strategies for your situation.

Financial Preparedness

1. Build an Emergency Fund

Having a robust emergency fund is the first line of defense against...

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To start off, I will say that fitness is probably the most important thing to consider when it comes to prepping. You do not need to be a professional body builder or athlete, but you should be able to run if your life depends on it. All the food, water, and weapons will be useless for you if you cannot walk/run, jump crawl, or wrestle without losing your breath immediately. I hear all the time well I have weapons I do not need to be in shape. Well, if you have never been in the situation where you are in a fire fight for your life then I have some bad news for you, you will be so wore out that is a second person comes up you will be done. there is a reason why the most elite fighting forces in the world are the most physically fit in the armed forces.

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Advanced Practical Preparation

Advanced Practical Preparation

Evacuation Plans

  1. Know Your Routes: Identify multiple evacuation routes from your home and community. Plan for different scenarios (e.g., natural disaster, civil unrest).
  2. Bug-Out Bag: Prepare a bug-out bag for each family member. This should include essential items such as food, water, clothing, medical supplies, and important documents.

Sustainable Living

  1. Off-Grid Capabilities: Learn how to live off the grid. This includes generating your own power (solar, wind), managing waste, and sourcing water.
  2. Home Defense: Fortify your home to protect against potential threats. This could involve installing security systems, reinforced doors, and creating safe rooms.

Advanced Communication

  1. Ham Radio: Obtain a ham radio license and equipment to maintain communication when traditional systems fail.
  2. Signal Techniques: Learn and practice using signaling methods such as mirrors, flares, and smoke signals.

Psychological Preparation

  1. Mental Health: Prioritize mental health by establishing coping mechanisms and support systems. Consider counseling or therapy if needed.
  2. Family Drills: Conduct regular family drills to practice your emergency plans. This helps to ensure everyone knows what to do and can act quickly.

Community Involvement

  1. Local Groups: Join local preparedness groups or community watch programs. Sharing resources and information can enhance your collective security.
  2. Volunteer: Volunteering with local emergency services can provide valuable skills and a network of contacts.

Technology and Information

  1. Digital Copies: Keep digital copies of important documents on a secure, password-protected device.
  2. Information Security: Protect your digital information with strong passwords and encryption. Be aware of potential cyber threats.

Environmental and Geographic Considerations

  1. Geographic Knowledge: Understand the geography of your area, including natural resources, potential hazards, and escape routes.
  2. Weather Preparedness: Stay informed about weather patterns and have plans for different weather-related emergencies (e.g., extreme heat, cold, storms).

Financial Security

  1. Diversified Assets: Consider diversifying your assets beyond cash, such as precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and tangible goods.
  2. Debt Management: Minimize debt and have a financial plan that accounts for economic instability.

Skill Building

  1. Advanced First Aid: Take advanced first aid courses, including CPR and trauma care.
  2. Technical Skills: Learn technical skills such as basic mechanics, electronics repair, and carpentry.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  1. Legal Knowledge: Be aware of martial law implications and your rights during a state of emergency.
  2. Ethical Preparedness: Think through ethical dilemmas you might face and have a plan for maintaining your values and principles.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Regular Updates: Regularly review and update your preparedness plans, supplies, and knowledge.
  2. Feedback Loops: After drills and real incidents, assess what worked well and what didn’t, and adjust your plans accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Preparation for a potential World War III scenario requires a holistic approach that includes ongoing education, adaptability, and community involvement. While it’s impossible to predict every situation, being proactive and thorough in your preparations can significantly increase your chances of survival and resilience in the face of crisis.

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Preparing to survive WWIII

Preparing to survive a potential World War III scenario involves a combination of mental, physical, and practical strategies. Here are some comprehensive steps you can take to be better prepared:

Mental Preparation

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with current events and understand the geopolitical climate.

  2. Develop a Plan: Create a detailed survival plan that includes evacuation routes, communication plans, and safe locations.

  3. Stay Calm: Practice stress management techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises to stay calm during crises.

Physical Preparation

  1. Get Fit: Regular exercise to maintain physical fitness. Being physically fit can increase your chances of survival.

  2. Learn Self-Defense: Take self-defense classes to protect yourself if needed.

  3. Health Check: Ensure you have a current health check-up and address any medical issues.

Practical Preparation

Food and Water

  1. Stockpile Supplies: Store non-perishable food items that can last for an extended period. Consider canned goods, rice, pasta, and freeze-dried foods.

  2. Water Supply: Store plenty of water or have a reliable method to purify water, such as water purification tablets or a filtration system.

Shelter and Safety

  1. Secure Shelter: Identify a safe place in your home or another location that can provide adequate protection. This could be a basement, storm shelter, or other fortified area.

  2. Backup Power: Consider having a generator or solar-powered battery packs to keep essential devices charged.

Medical Supplies

  1. First Aid Kit: Have a comprehensive first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

  2. Medical Knowledge: Learn basic first aid and emergency medical procedures.


  1. Radio: Have a battery-operated or hand-crank radio to receive news and emergency broadcasts.

  2. Backup Communications: Consider having a satellite phone or walkie-talkies to communicate if traditional phone lines and cell towers are down.

Skills and Knowledge

  1. Survival Skills: Learn essential survival skills such as building a fire, finding food, and purifying water.

  2. Gardening: Knowing how to grow your own food can be invaluable in long-term survival situations.

Financial Preparation

  1. Cash Reserve: Keep a supply of cash in small denominations since ATMs and banks may not be operational.

  2. Valuable Items: Consider having items for bartering, such as alcohol, tobacco, and other goods that might be in high demand.

Community and Networking

  1. Build a Network: Form or join a community of like-minded individuals who can support each other in times of crisis.

  2. Family Plan: Ensure every family member knows the survival plan and their role in it.

Legal and Documentation

  1. Important Documents: Keep copies of essential documents like identification, property deeds, medical records, and insurance policies in a waterproof and fireproof container.

  2. Legal Knowledge: Understand local laws and regulations that may come into effect during wartime.

Continual Learning and Adaptation

  1. Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your plans as situations change.

  2. Ongoing Education: Continuously learn and update your knowledge about survival techniques and current events.


Being prepared for a potential World War III involves a multifaceted approach that includes mental readiness, physical fitness, practical supplies, and a solid plan. Stay informed, build a support network, and continuously adapt your strategies to improve your chances of survival.


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